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educational embedments

July 15th, 2007

Daniel Pontius

My friend Bramlett of Dallas started me on collected snow globes. For a brief period, I was only collecting snow globes from places that I had never been. It’s more difficult that it sounds. I bought my first of Paris at a boot sale in Cambridge: the water was charmingly evaporating. Later Bramlett sent me globe from the Loch Ness, and later still she sent a lovely book on the subject after we had both returned to the states. This is not a snow globe and probably only a distant neighbor of Nessie: the sticker on the bottom reads:
Nature Gems: Horseshoe Crab Your Horseshoe Crab was created by the newest innovation in natural embedments. This prehistoric looking creature is not a true crab but most probably a descent of the Euryptends which flourished about 400 million years ago…
Purchased from Penine Hart. 2006.

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