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Get Excited & Make Things

July 29th, 2009

Daniel Pontius

Madge Gill
London, England

Madge Gill lived in a children’s home until she was nineteen when she moved to Ilford to stay with an aunt who introduced her to spiritual séances. Married at twenty-three, Gill had three sons, the second of whom, Reggie, died of influenza in 1918. After losing an eye and almost dying while giving birth to a stillborn daughter, Gill began to paint and draw. She usually worked in bed by oil lamp; sometimes she painted in complete darkness. Gill consistently depicted the female form, often set against abstract, architectural lines, crosses and zigzags. The name MYRNINTEREST often appears in her pictures, which might mean ‘mine innerest self’. Her son claimed that she believed her work was guided by a spirit, although she denied this in public. Around 1935 she began weekly séances and first showed her work at the East End Academy. By the time she died Gill had hundreds of drawings piled in her wardrobe and underneath her bed. Her work gained recognition at the Hayward Gallery’s Outsider show in 1979.

Taken from The Tate.


Post a comment
  1. Anonymous #
    July 30, 2009

    outsiders are so much more in than insiders, oui?

  2. July 30, 2009

    So true Anony!

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