As a child we would visit my grandparents in Jasper County, IL. They lived outside Newton on Rural Route #4 where they owned seasonal greenhouses: geraniums, petunias; tomatoes, lettuce. The town square had the Jasper County Court house in the center, a drugstore (soda fountain; vanilla cokes) and a kind of General Store with a pet section. I liked to look at the animals for sale and wonder about humanity.
The surrounding villages had relatives in places that the proverbial blink would have you miss them. A favorite past time was shooting at birds in the woods with a BB gun. (There was a hierarchy of birds and my brother and cousins and I could only shoot the sparrows that Grandma found annoying because they took over the bird houses she put up for cardinals and blue jays). We attended my born again Uncle Ray’s church dressed up in suits and ties.
This Easter Card is from my Grandma, Inez Griffith’s, things (b 1917– Nora Inez Childress– d 2001). Grandma Griffith called on people from her church and her community–people who lived in places like Ste. Marie on the Embarrass River, Hidalgo and Rose Hill. There are 4 Easter cards and this is the best. I love the Rose window — and the pop out surprise– the Gothic archways, with the light of God shining through–a contrast to the church that she or anyone else attended in her community–which is perhaps why she never mailed it.