My friend Barbara, a Landscape Architect, up in Eastern Washington sent me a photo of her newest obsession. She found this hook rug at a garage sale last fall. She said she wanted to give the woman a lot more for the rug because it was so beautiful, but she paid the asking $3. Yeah, for $3.
As a kid I did hook rugs and for several years when I lived in Seattle I used to collect them as I had a vision of attaching them all together and making a large patchwork rug, but along the way of moving from one place to the other, and several failed attempts at binding them together I let them all go. I never found one as nice as this one that Barbara found. It is lovely with the bright but muted colors with the sweet folksy scene of a jaunty figure in a landscape. The scale of nature vs. human walking on a winding path through the woods next to a bend in a river-many delightful narratives could be developed from the reading of this piece.
daniel, i have a friend who hooks as well. crazy shit. nice rug!