A rooftop view towards the East 70’s.
Jeff Koons, Coloring Book, 1997–2005. High chromium stainless steel with transparent color coating; 222 x 1311/2 x 9 1/8 in.
A double please. Hirst.
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living. The scum floating at the top of the tank was quite captivating.
Linda Carter’s wonder woman costume surrounded by a chthonian darkness which I found surprising as she has always held a bright and special place in my heart. I really wanted to get a good look at her bullet proof cuffs.
I almost didn’t recognize Wonder Woman without the bouffant-do. And aren’t Wonder Woman’s britches blue? I smell an impostor!
I don’t know, I was so thrown off by the cape, I never remember her in a cape!