Bibelots Design is back after a much needed respite from the last 8 month’s respite. And now, Dearest Reader, I am back to work. It seems that my external hard drive that the kid at Staples sold me on buying instead of CD’s is no longer working (will a refrigerator magnet erase everything?) and with that, gone are all of the pictures that I’ve been saving to share with you. Nonetheless, new beginnings.
I spent the last week in Bellingham, Washington at the farm of my oldest friend, Tina. Perhaps it was the quickness of the decision to go and the short 2 hour flight but the whole trip seemed otherworldly and I kept thinking of what Jane Bowles said when she moved to Morocco that they whole experience seemed like a dream. I milked a goat, I collected eggs, and we ate off the grid, which is what my hosts and her family’s goal is: self sufficiency growing all of their own food. I must say that I had the most delicious pork chops there and one fabulous meal after another. Read Michael Pollan’s, The Omnivore’s Dilemma.
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