Several mornings of late, I’ve been sleeping and I have come to realize that I’m being roused by a rooster crowing somewhere outside my window. Yes, as Webster’s defines it, crowing: to make the loud shrill sound characteristic of a cock.
The first time, I thought, Do my ears deceive me? But it seemed no. I had heard of a rooster siting, but I had not believed. Once I ran out the door when I heard him, but he was not there. But on this morning, last Thursday, he was in good form, loudly shrilling. I was leaving for a little holiday up the coast, and he was waiting for me to have his picture taken.
Roosters are loud and proud in the morning… being a former owner of a pet chicken (oh Miss Roo, where are you?), I was glad mine was female (providing eggs for breakfast and without the crow/morning alarm from her)
UPDATE: I must report that you can kill the rooster as he crows no more–for at least 4 months