Some may ask why does Pontius keep posting pictures that are out of focus? Why doesn’t he find a pic on the WWW that illustrates the subject matter properly? Well, Dear Reader, such is life, no? Everything is not always clear, sometimes we only have a smidgen of a thing. Everything is not pristine and in-focus. A photograph can never be the actual moment. It will never illustrate exactly what is being viewed, but simply a moment in time that is captured. The photograph changes our memory of the experience and in the end becomes its own experience. Perhaps our snap happiness is tied to a fear of not discovering our purpose or developing our own congruency. I see me, therefore I am.
What I love about these paintings is what one critic called their, Domestic Hedonism.” Details that celebrate the everyday experience. To me they inspire details of future rooms. More people could go to art, literature, and nature for inspiration, but they don’t. Design inspiration is ripped from the magazines which is ripped from the magazines which is ripped from the magazines (or dare I say advertisements.
Who was it that said god will be replaced by advertising? Let’s reflect on the sage words of Gertrude, “A vegetable garden in the beginning looks so promising and then after all little by little it grows nothing but vegetables, nothing, nothing but vegetables.”
I must make a note to remember my own advice and search out checkered table cloths and the hues of playful color in the the setting of the Green Blouse in the fixing up of my next apartment.
i wonder if alice b. toklas got up extra early every morning to remove the weeds from the the vegetables nothing but vegetables garden.
Gertrude didn’t do it. Gertrude was certain she wasn’t going. She certainly wasn’t going to do that.
No matter if it he’s dead or it is out of focus. Bonnard is one my favorite painter ,thank you for the post !
I love the ambiance in his paintings , it looks so fem ..
Cheers Mélanie!